Thursday, October 16, 2014


Music has always been there for me. Whether it was the music teacher or the music itself. In high school the band room was where I was most comfortable and not afraid to be myself. I could talk to my band director about anything and she would always push me and test my boundaries because she believed in me. All the friends I made were from band and all other connections I have made with people were those involved with music. I know it sounds "corny" but I honestly don't know where I would be today if I didn't have music.
Being in the band has made me into a stronger leader and role model from being a section and squad leader. I was also the secretary of my schools Tri-M music honor society, where I had to hold a leadership position. My teacher also persuaded me to audition for all state every year, even though I didn't make it, it has helped me become a better and more confident player.
Even though I've always had music I decided I wanted to go to college for crime and justice but I changed my major at the last minute and decided on music education. I want to impact the lives of other students like my music teachers have done for me. I want to help shape minds of students and give them what they need for the future. I realized I couldn't give up something that has always been them for me and will continue to be.


  1. I have always been in touch with music, but I've never found that dedicated love like you and others have. I think it's really great that you chose to follow what you knew and loved, and your motivation for doing so is exactly what we need in teachers today. What instrument did you play?

  2. I think that music education is a great idea for you! You should always take something you love and are excited about when choosing your career. It is so nice that you had music in high school to make friends and open up! I was in band in 7th and 8th grade. I played the saxophone. I remember really enjoying it and making good connections. I think you will impact many students as a music teacher! Good luck and thank you for sharing :)

  3. Brittany,
    I found it wonderful that you could have such a connection to music. Although being musically illiterate myself I can find similarities to your connection to music in my chess and writing. Being able to teach something that you love is always a joy. The reasons you gave for wanting to inspire young minds and help to shape the lives of students strongly echoes my own desires in my pursuit of being an English teacher. Your passion for music really shines through in your writing and I was enthralled by all that it has done for you. The fact that you are aware of that and are able and willing to pass it on to others is inspiring.
